I'll never forget the time when I about 10/11 year's old I was having a "debate" with my "rival" Jenny McLoy. She as about 11/12, and we were having an argument on women pursuing careers. Our debates did have the right to be called debates, all we were doing was just yelling back & forth at each other getting angry.=)
It was then when my mom pulled me aside and asked me what we were arguing about. I explained to her that I believed that it was wrong for women to pursue careers, and therefore if I believed it, it must be right!
Now this post isn't going to be a Feminism vs. Femininity post, this post is going to be about a comment I received;
you know, I have seen a lot of people being rude and mean about this really stupid debate... what about the Bible? You seem to have forgotten the BIBLE and you're worshiping LotR... not the Lord... does it really matter who likes who? Please, honestly read your Bible instead of LotR all the time, or at least, give proof of your salvation: I know you claim Him as Lord, but the posts you write seem to say that 'LotR saved me'Whoa. I must confess that I was completely shocked.;-)
Why? Because someone who doesn't even know me seems to have judged me and found all faults.:) Okay, that was a bit overly dramatic.;P
I once had a "blog" on LiveJournal, and all I posted about was my life/church/Bible. ect. Which there is nothing wrong with! I enjoyed doing so, but what I later found out was that people had went to my profile and saw that I liked LotR, and thought,"Oh this girl isn't really a Christian, because she likes LotR the 'satanic trilogy'."
So that's why I decided to have a blog dedicated to LotR and WHY I liked it, and WHY I believed it was NOT satanic. For people who misunderstood read
HERE. If you want me to talk about something else, just say the word!!=)
God has dealt(and will continue to;) with many things on my heart. One of my two biggest issues was 1. Pride, and 2. Anger. Those two just sorta seem to go together don't they? Because of my PRIDE I got ANGRY.
I have found out that if I go a day without my Bible, I will become moody, depressed, grouchy, mean, and ect. That's why, Michelle, I actually read it three times a day, and not just LotR.;)
I am one of the worst of people, and I'm not trying to deny it. I'm a SINNER SAVED BY GOD'S GRACE! Not Lord of the Ring's grace. Because LotR will soon pass away, BUT I made this blog for the FUN of it! Not because LOTR is my Saviour. There are a lot of things in the blogging world that are pointless...TAGS for example! Being 'tagged' is a fun thing to do, BUT in Eternity it won't matter. I hope I'm making 'sense' here.=)
After recovering from the 'shock' of Michelle's comment, I thought of this Bible verse:
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. James 1:19-20So, if I've come across as rude, angry, hateful, mean, selfish, I apologize and beg for your forgiveness! Because I know that I am human and will make many mistakes in life, and later have to pay for them.
If there are any doubts about my Salvation, let me confirm it right here.
I am saved and when I say this I mean that I am a sinner and when I was 8 7 year's old I asked the Lord Jesus Christ to save me. And I confessed that I was a sinner. And I believed on His name.
For thy name's sake, O Lord, pardon mine iniquity; for it is great. Psalms 25:11
~The Lady of Light.
P.S. Please know, Michelle, that I am not mad at you in the LEAST.=) And I hope you are not angry with me either.:)