In eternity, it will not matter in the least who we prefer, because they are JUST CHARACTERS! You are not a sinner for liking Eowyn! It does not make you any more godly if you like Arwen...........
That is IF you view them as characters........
You know its amazing because who we choose as our favorite characters, usually become are hero's. And our hero's usually become our role-models. So it is VERY important who we choose to admire!!!!!
I am being very honest with you when I say that the majority of people who prefer Eowyn, are feminist. They have no desire to be like Arwen, because she stayed under the protection of her father, and she realized that is the MAN'S responsibility to go out to war.
Eowyn WAS feminist! Eomer & Aragorn both have to put her back in her place. And please do not tell me that it was her culture, because it wasn't. "Those without swords can still die upon them", this quote does not mean that women have to go out war and prove their ability! Tolkien knew this! This quote means that women NEED to DEFEND themselves when necessary, just like Arwen did.
The arguement that Arwen wears "immodest dresses" is probably one of the most dumb arguements I've ever heard. I'm not telling you to copy Liv Tyler! Because that's who is really wearing the costume, NOT Arwen! Don't ever believe a word when people tell you Arwen was impure. As for Arwen "drooling over Aragorn", don't listen to that either. It was a dream, NOTHING more!
You can never be "TOO pure", there is nothing wrong with being a "daddy's girl", and don't ever, EVER let anyone convince you that Arwen was "boring". Our mothers are some of our best role-models, and you know what? The World considers them to be wasting their time living a boring life. This is so untrue.
Thank you all for letting me write this all down! And if you read it all, that's AWESOME! I'm sure a lot of people won't. Soon, I'm going to try to write a post about Susan!
In Christ,
~The Lady of Light~